Articles / BlogPublished on September 1, 2024. 1 comments.

Livvi: A Great TikTok Video About Your Company

In my new Disciplined Entrepreneurship: Expanded and Updated book, the example I use to track all the steps in the book through in a continuous manner is a company that was called Bloom in the book—but has emerged as a real company now called Livvi.

I chose this example because it started from an idea that was brainstormed in our class with Anisha Quadir, Madeleine Cooney and Sarah Malek.  Anisha and Madeleine stayed with the project after class and continued to work on it in delta v and it has since become very real as you will see below.  It was an opportunity to see the full cycle from ideation to saleable real business for an idea that was not dependent on some hard-core technology from an MIT lab. It was an idea that anyone could have done anywhere in the world and just leveraged generally available technology.  It really shows off the process. Plus Anisha and Madeleine are special but are all of our students?

Well, why I write today is with an update on Livvi but also with more pride on how they have worked to make a real tight story about their company and utilized probably the most currently effective customer acquisition strategy to get new customers, TikTok. Here is Anisha’s LinkedIn post:

First of all, so proud of them for pursuing their passion and making a successful new venture in something they so deeply believe in.  This is a great case of a very strong “Raison D’Être” for a new venture.

Secondly, I am now going to use it as an example of how to efficiently and effectively tell the story of your business in 1 minutes.  I have been using the Dollar Shave Club original youtube video for years and it will be great to have something home grown now and more recently (and less frat bro-ish).

Finally, I think it is a great example of GTM where getting customers can be done in an intelligent and cost-effective manner if you really know your customer.

Congrats Anisha and Maddie. You continue to make us proud and carry the flag of DE!

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