How MIT’s Entrepreneurial Finance Course Set Me on the Path to Greater Success

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Entrepreneurs must understand finance, but I didn't fully grasp its importance until I took MIT’s Entrepreneurship 104: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Finance. This course was my starting point, preparing me for MIT’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Bootcamp and ultimately setting me toward my PhD at the University of St. Gallen.

Unleashing the Kendall Magic: A Fireside Chat with Rhie-Young Lim & Bill Aulet

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Bill Aulet discusses the profound impact of MIT's entrepreneurship boot camps, noting that participants from war-torn countries found paths to economic freedom.

Livvi: A Great TikTok Video About Your Company

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In my new Disciplined Entrepreneurship: Expanded and Updated book, the example I use to track all the steps in the book through in a continuous manner is a company that was called Bloom in the book—but has emerged as a real company now called Livvi.