Five Key Factors to Foster Entrepreneurship in Ecuador
October 24, 2019
0 Comments4 Minutes
Entrepreneurship is vital not just for economic growth and prosperity, but also for social harmony. It creates jobs and gives peoples’ lives more purpose and meaning. The solutions for many of society’s most intractable problems come not from governments or established companies, but from new companies that unleash the creativity and energy of the human race.
Toughest Challenge For an Entrepreneur
October 20, 2019
4 Comments8 Minutes
This past week, I had a reminder of the toughest and maybe most critical challenge a founder has to face. A very composed founder had worked incredibly hard over the summer to get their new startup off the ground and they were succeeding. They had real customers and they had real investor interest. Things looked great but they weren’t. As so many startups have, the executive team was not working well together.
The Evolution of Disciplined Entrepreneurship
October 6, 2019
0 Comments5 Minutes
In entrepreneurship, you are taught to first identify a problem, then find a solution. When you put this solution into action, you begin creating ideas and establishing them into a business plan. At MIT, you are taught to be disciplined and structured; yet, you are also reminded to loosen the grip around our ideas. When you hold on to an idea too tightly, you risk suffocating it.
Finding the Tools – Creating Space for a Disciplined Dialogue
October 2, 2019
0 Comments6 Minutes
Since 17th April 2018, I am founder and host of the MIT Bootcamp Alumni Association (MBA²), a bespoke and private online network that holds space for the MITx Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Alumni: “An exclusive Mighty Network, built by MIT Bootcamp Alumni, for the MIT Bootcamp Alumni.”