Disciplined Entrepreneurship: A Gamechanger in Supporting Young Entrepreneurs of Bangladesh

1 Comment9 Minutes

Many entrepreneurs we have come across used to believe the myths rigorously, and they took a path leading them to abject failure. To counter the problem, we started guiding the entrepreneurs through the framework laid out in the book Disciplined Entrepreneurship (DE) authored by Bill Aulet in our recent incubation program.

Chapter 3: Financial Modeling (Part 2)

2 Comments16 Minutes

What creates revenue? This should be very simple as in the example I have provided. It should be some “units” time average selling price (ASP). ASP is the average amount of revenue that you receive per unit. This is after discounts and commissions you pay to resellers. It is the actual money that flows into your bank account.

DE Workbook Worksheets Now Available in Digital Form

2 Comments1 Minutes

Here they are and also with a few other good things that I use in our classes each year that you might find interesting and helpful as well.

EDP+ Innovating On How We Teach Entrepreneurship and Grow the Community

0 Comments10 Minutes

For well over 20 years, the MIT Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) has been the largest and most highly rated Executive Education program offered by MIT Sloan. Think about that for a second as it is quite an achievement. “Executives” are usually looking to take courses to help them become better leaders in big corporations and what we teach in EDP is entrepreneurship! And among all the excellent courses taught by fabulous MIT professors in MIT Sloan Executive Education's portfolio, our…

Chapter 3: Financial Modeling (Part 1)

3 Comments16 Minutes

In this chapter, we will teach you how to develop a model to generate projections of your business that provides insights, meaningful projections, a potential path to greatness, and a planning tool. I have heard intelligent people say “meaningful five-year financial projections?!?! – come on! They are surely going to be wrong. How can they be meaningful?”

All People Are Born Entrepreneurs, Then Society Takes This Away

0 Comments20 Minutes

All people are born entrepreneurs and it is then society that slowly dilutes this and even threatens to take it away. From the beginning of time, people survived by making things, trading things or providing services to people in order to survive.

Entrepreneurship in Dubai After COVID: Accelerating, Confident and Poised to Take an Increasing Role

0 Comments4 Minutes

On March 10th, I returned to the Gulf Region for the first time in four years at the invitation of the UAE Entrepreneurs Organization (EO). I was not sure what to expect after such an extended time period and so many dramatic changes in the world. After a three day workshop with an extremely active group of XX entrepreneurs, I leave very encouraged.

Learning by Teaching: The Accelerator Rap Approach to Entrepreneurship Education

0 Comments5 Minutes

Your challenge is to create a short SchoolHouseRock-style animated music video that can help 8-12-year-olds understand innovative entrepreneurial work.

Chapter 2: The Basics of FinanceFeatured 

14 Comments42 Minutes

Think of this as “Financial Literacy” which is not going to earn you a degree in finance but it will give you the fundamentals so you know how to run and keep track of your business. We will dive into these high level concepts as we move forward, especially in the modelling phase which will come next but for now, let’s just level set on the most foundational concepts and then build up from there. We will focus on operational concepts as opposed to accounting concepts for now.

Chapter 1: Why Financial Literacy and an Investor Readiness Program?Featured 

26 Comments7 Minutes

It's the start of a new year, so what could be better than kicking it off with the first chapter of the upcoming book on financial literacy for founders? The only thing better than it would definitely be to get your thoughts on this new material, have you comment with thoughts and suggestions, and further share this material with others who might benefit from it, even in draft form.