MIT delta v Demo Day

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Sep 6, 2019 @MIT

Masters National Basketball Tournament

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June 20–25, 2019 @Albuquerque, NM

Roman Gladiators: Entrepreneurs in the “Eternal City”

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After spending three incredible sunny days in Rome, I could try to wax poetically about the history, culture, and people of this truly unique city but many books have been written about this topic by people far more qualified than I to comment on these topics, so I will not. I will focus on observations on the entrepreneurship dimension of the city.

Scotland Summer Can Do Scale School & Alumni Day

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June 3–6, 2019 @Dunblane, Scotland

Southwest Norway Summer Scale School

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May 20–23, 2019 @Stavanger, Norway

New Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Symposium

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May 2–3, 2019 @MIT, Cambridge, MA

Storming the Entrepreneurship Bastille in Paris

4 Comments11 Minutes

This past week (March 20-22), I had a full immersion into the Paris entrepreneurial scene. It was highly energizing and eye-opening since my last visit. My previous visits (over two years ago now), had been quick visits to “City of Lights” – so called because it was one of the first cities to have lights due to early adoption of electricity. This early adopter mentality strangely did not apply to entrepreneurship or a translation of the first Disciplined Entrepreneurship book. It was surprising…

Dateline Luxembourg: March 16-18, 2019

5 Comments13 Minutes

On March 16th and 17th, I had the good fortune to run a two-day seminar on “Introduction to Disciplined Entrepreneurship” at the University of Luxembourg. In the process of this and the following Monday, I had a chance to directly experience what was happening with entrepreneurship in the Grand Duchy of 600,000 inhabitants, or more specifically, in its dominant city, the City of Luxembourg.  These types of experiences always generate interesting data points to refine my worldview of…

Despite Its Woes, GE Must Stay EntrepreneurialClassics 

2 Comments5 Minutes

When I heard the news that GE is considering breaking itself up into smaller units, I was overcome with sadness. I started my career at IBM in the early 1980s and saw that company brought low, and now a similar scenario is playing out with another venerable firm.

Introduction to Blog: Coffeeshop Musings of an Entrepreneurship Educator

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Brad Feld, Fred Wilson, and Bill Gurley have impressed me on how they write so often (and there are many others). In discussing it with them, they say it really helps them process thoughts, events, and information as well as forcing them to continue to push them forward to be innovative. I have publicly applauded them and encouraged others to do the same but not done it myself.